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Ten more added to Domalandan church

/ 2022-02-28

A total of 10 persons were recently added to the Lord's church at Domalandan in Lingayen, Pangasinan. 

A combination of " face to face" study, radio ministry, youth fellowship and attendance to the church's worship services helped the 10 souls obey the gospel last February 26 and 28.

Immersed by brother Dan Oliva at the famous Lingayen beach at 7 pm last February 26 were the following: CJ Almojuela, 16; Cyrex Almojuela, 19; Prince Cacaitan, 16; Kane Cacaitan, 19; Christian Jude Gutierrez, 21 and Angelo Soriano, 18- all residents of Barangay Pangapisan, except the latter.

Baptized also at Lingayen beach on February 28 at 11 am by Dan Oliva with the help of Efren Antenor were as follows: Leah De Leon, 42; Andrea Luisa De Leon, 9; Salome Cruz, 78 and Jane Cruz 19.

The Christians at Domalandan welcome all the newly baptized disciples and pray for their spiritual growth.