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DANIEL A OLIVA / 2023-03-19

" Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ," Colossians 2:8 ( NKJV )

  A. Not too many people today are aware of the so- called New Age Religion.
    1. Is it Christianity of this modern age? Or another philosophy in disguise?
     2. Let us examine this so- called new movement in the light of God's words, John 8:32.
  B. Our Approach in this Study will be as follows:
    1. The origin or background of the New Age Religion
    2. Its Main Teachings Examined vis a vis the Scriptures
    3. The Rationale of the New Age Religion
    4. Our Proper Response to the New Age Religion

  A. Origin or Background of the New Age Religion
     1. The modern founder is David Spangler, one who believes in  theosophy ( knowledge about God )
    2. In 1970, through the Findhorn Foundation, he started the New Age Movement
    3. Then, it spread through religious communities dealing with " occult and metaphysical beliefs" till the 1980's.
    4. In a nutshell, the New Age Religion...
       a. looked forward to a new age of love and light
       b. offered a foretaste of the coming era through personal transformation and healing
  B. Main Teachings Examined vis a vis the Scriptures
     1. Predicted a new age/generation of...
        a. heightened spiritual consciousness/ awakening
        b. international peace ending racism, poverty, sickness, hunger and war  
     2.  Individuals would obtain a foretaste of the " new age " through their spiritual transformation
        a. putting the believer on the new path ( sadhana ) or realization- "a spiritual exercise evoking and absorbing identity to himself "
        b. continued  growth and transformation
  C. The Rationale of the New Age Religion  
     1. David Spangler believed that new waves of spiritual energy was  signaled by..
        a. astrological changes, i.e. movement of earth to a new cycle
        b. known as the Aquarian Age starting the New Age/Generation
     2. Therefore, believers should use the " new energy " to manifest the New Age movement
     3. Spangler demanded an active response from believers of the New Age movement
     4. He returned to the USA in the mid 1970's and became the major architect of the movement
     5. His book " Revelation: The Birth of a New Age " in 1976 attracted the leaders of " occult and metaphysical" organizations
    6.Thus, the psychedelic movement gained more supporters, e.g.
       a. noted Psyschologist Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary
       b. advocates of hallucinogenic
drugs to achieve mystical experience

  D. Our Proper Response to the New Age Religion
     1. Beware Lest Anyone Cheat You
        a. In Matthew 7:15 " Beware of false prophets for they come in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
        b. In Jesus' time, the false prophets were the Jewish leaders who exalted their own traditions
        c. Paul warned Timothy, a young evangelist, the danger of deception
     2. False teachers would be using philosophy and empty deceit
        a. the New Age religion is both a movement and a philosophy
        b. a new consciousness to change the world
        c. using empty, hollow deception with false prophecies ( sadhana )
     3. The use of human traditions and basic principles
        a. Pharisees exalted their own traditions in stead of God's laws
        b. Corban or " offered " to God to avoid supporting their parents, Mark 7:11; Exodus 20:12
        c. they were referred to as elementary teachings, Hebrews 6:1
     4. Not According to Christ
        a. New Age Religion teaches a new generation based on philosophy, occultism and mysticism
        b.Jesus said " I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man comes to the Father except through ME, " John 14:6
        c. " Come to Me, all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you REST..." Matthew 11:28-30

  A. GK Chesterton said " The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. But, it has been found difficult and left untried."
    1. The failure is not in Christ's teachings but in people who do not apply His teachings to their lives.
    2. As His teachings " were difficult to follow, people do not apply them to their lives."
   3. Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14
     a. " Enter through the SMALL gate and the NARROW way that leads to life and only a FEW find it."
     b. " For WIDE is the gate and BROAD is the way that leads to destruction and MANY enter through it."
  B. If you are NOT yet in Christ, now is the time to come to Him
    1. Believe and be baptized to be saved, Mark 16:16
    2. Repent and be baptized for forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
    3. The time and day of salvation is now, 2 Corinthians 6:2
    4. Christ will take vengeance on those who do NOT obey the gospel, 2 Thessalonians 1:8