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Archive 2023

Buddhism, Comnmunism to True Christianity

/ 2023-10-10

WELCOME TO GOD’S FAMILY: Since childhood until maturity, Jack Wang had been exposed to Buddhism, Communism and the conflicting teachings and doctrines of various religious denominations like the Baptist Church, Lutheran Church, Methodist Church, Mormon or Church of the Latter Day Saints, Roman Catholic Church, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Jehovah’s Witness and others.

With sincerity and dedication, he continued searching for the truth which led him to visit and attend the Bible Class conducted by Benny Joyner last Sunday, 10:00 am, October 1, 2023 at the GOLDEN GATE CHURCH OF CHRIST (GGCC) Auditorium, 701-8th Avenue in San Francisco, California. Benny Joyner invited Jack to have follow up WE CARE Gospel presentation by 1:30 pm and introduced him to Evangelist Art Gabot Madlaing. Jack gladly accepted the invitation and came back for the first series of WE CARE Gospel Presentation on KNOWING THE REAL JESUS IN THE BIBLE. Using the ETERNAL LIFE OUTLINE. Art did the presentation with the assistance of Rose de la Cruz who helped Jack find the pages in the Bible some pertinent verses. At the end of the first series, Art gave Jack an autographed copy of the original copy of “HISTORICITY OF JESUS” subtitled “Facts and Evidences for Agnostics, Atheists and Believers” for further reading.

With honesty and determination, Jack Wang came back and attended again the Bible Class conducted by Bro. Benny Joyner at the GGCC Auditorium last Sunday, 10:00am, October 8.2023.  Jack came back by 1pm for the second series of WE CARE Gospel Presentation on KNOWING THE GOSPEL, WHY OBEY THE GOSPEL and HOW TO OBEY THE GOSPEL. At the end of the second series of WE CARE Gospel Presentation, Jack Wang decided to obey the gospel in baptism. It was God’s providence that Bro. Renato Marcos filled up the baptistery with warm water earlier. Sister Rose de la Cruz prepared the baptismal robe for Jack. After confessing that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God, I baptized Jack Wang for the forgiveness of his sins (Acts 2:37-38, NKJV) witnessed by Alex Acasio, Clarita Acasio and Rose de la Cruz. At exactly 2:00pm last Sunday, October 8, 2023, Jack Wang put on Christ in baptism and the Lord added him to the Church of Christ (Acts 2:47, NKJV). Jack is now in God’s family with the Golden Gate Church of Christ in San Francisco, California as his home congregation.

Shown in picture above R-L: Rose de la Cruz, Jack Wang and Art Gabot Madlaing.