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Archive 2023

Pasig Centennial church evangelizes through basketball game

/ 2023-08-01

The Pasig Centennial church of Metro Manila recently used sports in addition to Bible Study.

Before the games would start, a 30- minute Bible Study is conducted for all players by the church workers.

This practice is indeed commentable and worthy of emulation. God be praised that Pasig Centennial church is reaching to the young peope with the gospel of Christ.

Here is the post from Solis Montuerto Lino:

First week of Pasig Centennial Church of Christ Basketball Ministry. 40 total attendees, 15 of us were members of the Church and 25 were prospects. Today's highlight is an orientation of the full intention of the game which is the Bible Study for 30 minutes before the game. The goal of this ministry is to let this generation know that "Christ is the Ultimate Savior."
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Special thanks to these brothers for managing the game;
Bro Christian De Jesus Abubo
Bro Alex Esberto