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Archive 2023

Co-authors Meet in Person

/ 2023-06-08

MEETING IN PERSON: Co-authors Art Gabot Madlaing and Mary Ann Gove Cheatham finally met in person last Sunday, May 28, 2023 in the Bible Class and Worship Services at the Southwest Church of Christ in Phoenix, Arizona USA. Front row standing L-R: Razzle Rowe, who wrote the Foreword of “LAUGHTER FOR GOOD HEALTH;” Virginia Jimenez Madlaing, wife of co-author Art Gabot Madlaing; and co-author Mary Ann Gove Cheatham, holding a copy of “LAUGHTER FOR GOOD HEALTH.”

 Back row standing L-R: Jon Rowe, Evangelist and Minister of the Southwest Church of Christ in Phoenix, Arizona; co-author Art Gabot Madlaing from San Francisco, California, USA; and Walter Cheatham, husband of co-author Mary Ann Gove Cheatham.

 It’s amazing how, through God’s providence, the co-authors were able to complete the joint book project “LAUGHTER FOR GOOD HEALTH” without meeting in person and had Amazon printed and marketed it on May 5, 2023 (Art and Virginias’s 49th Wedding Anniversary). It all started in December, 2022 when Mary Ann responded to the warning of Art on the scam advertisements in the Facebook offering help for self-publishing to new writers by prepaying $4,000 or more.

 Art referred Mary Ann to Terry Denis, founder of Restoration Books, who had helped her published and marketed through Amazon her two books “Whole Again” (a novel) and “SHEEP DIP COOKIES and other stories from the Arizona desert” for only $350 per book (which includes cover design and manuscript input to comply with the requirements of Amazon.