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Art G. Madlaing / 2023-08-18

As book author, columnist and active Evangelist with the GOLDEN GATE CHURCH OF CHRIST in San Francisco, California, I was blessed and fortunate to speak during the Worship Services of the Golden Gate congregation last Sunday morning, August 20, 2023. I would like to share to our readers and the general public my message.

SCRIPTURE READING: (Matthew 28:18-20,  Mark 16:15-16)

GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTION: Good Morning and happy Sunday to everyone!! I would like to thank Bro. James Quitoriano, Minister of the GOLDEN GATE CHURCH OF CHRIST, for scheduling me to preach this Sunday morning, nearest to my 76th Birthday on August 18 2023.  I would like also to thank our young brother in Christ Kenneth Wilson for reading the Bible verses pertinent to our topic this morning and to brother Renato Marcos for leading the gospel songs I requested.

Most of all, I would like to thank all our guests who responded to my personal invitation through my weekly columns in the PHILIPPINE NEWS TODAY; columns reprinted in the Guiding Light, weekly bulletin of the GOLDEN GATE CHURCH OF CHRIST and personal letter invitation: like my siblings Salvador Madlaing and wife Ursula T. Madlaing & Family from San Jose, California; Josie M. Lewis and son  Ferdinand  Lewis and youngest sister Luzviminda Madlaing from Bethel Island, California  older sister Magdalena M. Sison from Santa Clara,  California; Neal and   Silvia Wilson & Family from San Francisco, California ; my cousin Hermie Butler, who flew all the way from Chicago, Illinois to be with us this Sunday morning.

I also commend and thank my cousin Alfred G. Gabot, past president of the National Press Club of the Philippines; Regent, Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Maynila and Editor-in-Chief, Philippine News Today; and Claire Morales True, Managing Editor of Philippine News Today, for responding to our invitation to join our Bible Class and Worship Services today.

Fred and Claire were with us (with my beloved wife Virginia Jimenez Madlaing) at the Westgate Resort, formerly Hilton Las Vegas, for 3 nights and 2 days through the compliment of their friend Fely Quetives. The statue of Elvis Presley is at the lobby of the hotel resort because he performed regularly in the Hilton Hotel and stayed at the Penthouse. My wife and I stayed at Room 2937, 29th Floor, near the Penthouse while  Fred and Claire stayed at Room 2939.  We were not able to visit the Penthouse where Elvis stayed because it was closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Interestingly, August 16, 2023, Wednesday, was the Death Anniversary of Elvis Presley. Many hotel guests took pictures with the statue of Elvis Presley as background.

Beauty pageants for Mrs. America and Miss America were on-going during our stay at the Westgate Resort. We’re fortunate to personally meet Rhyan Strasters, first Asian Filipina Miss Pennsylvania, who was born in Manila, Philippines. We had group pictures with her with the statue of Elvis Presley as background. I proved my endurance in long driving during our trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. I drove about 9 hours from San Francisco to Las Vegas last Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Then I drove about 9 hours from Las Vegas to San Francisco last Friday August 18, 2023.

I would like to thank brother John Jeffrey for sending a birthday card greetings in Tagalog: “Kapatid Art Gabot Madlaing:  Binabati kita sa isa na namang kamangha-manghang taon ny paglilingkod sa Diyos! (Brother Art Gabot Madlaing: Greetings for another wonderful year of service to God!) Yes, brother Jeffrey, let’s continue serving God in sharing the gospel to the many lost souls.

Now, let’s go to our lesson and message this morning. Please have your PNB (Pen, Notebook, Bible) ready.

During our weekly Devotional on Wednesday and Sunday morning Adult Bible Classes, brother Benny Joyner emphasized that faith is not complete until an alien sinner understood the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus, and obeyed the gospel in baptism for the remission or forgiveness of sins. Sister Rose de la Cruz also mentioned that all soul winners are wise (Proverbs 11:30, Living Bible)

With our annual theme “KEEP PRESSING TOWARD THE GOAL", I decided to talk with you this morning on the topic “KEEP SHARING THE GOSPEL IN THESE LAST DAYS.” Everybody in the weekly Devotional on Wednesdays and Sunday morning Bible Class agree that we are now living in the last days or the end time. As our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ promised (John 14:1-3), He could come back anytime – tonight, tomorrow, next week or next month.  Nobody knows the exact day or time of Christ’s return. Only our heavenly Fathers knows (Matthew 24:36)

In the Wednesday Devotional and Bible Class, I told brother Benny that during these last days every Christian must be busy sharing the gospel in its purity and simplicity to the many lost souls from among our FRANCS (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Co-Workers, Strangers).

Let me discuss with you this morning a very simple, practical and proven guide or formula in sharing the gospel in its purity and simplicity = WWWHH (3 W plus 2 H).

Firstly, on W1, every Christian (young and old) must share to every alien sinner from among our FRANCS --- WHO IS THE REAL JESUS IN THE BIBLE? Here’s what Jesus said in John 8:24 :   “Therefore I said to you  that you will die in your sins, for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins."

Every sinner MUST know and believe WHO IS THE REAL JESUS IN THE BIBLE? namely: a. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  Simon Peter answered and said: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” (Matthew 16:16).

b. Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man  -  Here’s what we read in John 1:1, 14,  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . .And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us  and we behold His glory, the glory of the only begotten of His Father, full of grace and truth. Colossians 2:9 affirms,  “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.”

c. Jesus is the only Mediator between God and man – Here’s what 1 Timothy  2:5 reads, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.”

Why do we need a Mediator? Isaiah 59:2 explains ,” But your iniquities have separated you from God, And your sins have hidden His face from you.”  

Secondly, on W2, every Christian (young and old), must share to every lost soul from among our FRANCS ---  WHAT IS THE GOSPEL?

Gospel is the power of God to salvation. Romans 1:16 said,  “ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek or Gentiles.”

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 explained the historical facts of the Gospel of Christ which can never be denied. “I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you – unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures.” This is the gospel- DBR =Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus.

 Thirdly, on W3, every Christian (young and old) must tell every lost soul from among our FRANCS – WHY OBEY THE GOSPEL?

 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 explained  why every alien sinner must obey the gospel immediately after knowing and understanding the Gospel (DBR  = Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ). “And to give  you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey  the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power.” Every alien sinner must obey the gospel to avoid eternal damnation in hell.

Fourthly, on H1, every Christian (young and old) must tell every alien sinner from among our FRANCS – HOW TO OBEY THE GOSPEL.

On the Day of Pentecost, in Jerusalem during the first century, Apostle Peter first preached the gospel – Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many of the Jews heard, understood the gospel and were cut to the heart and asked:

“Men and brethren what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37).

Peter answered in a very simple and straightforward words HOW TO OBEY THE GOSPEL

“Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

Fifthly, on H2, every Christian (young and old) must reach out to every lost soul from among our FRANCS (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Co-Workers, Strangers)


1.Pray that God will open doors of opportunities to share the gospel to our FRANCS.

2.Invite our FRANCS to the Worship Services. Our prayers and invitation were answered by the many guests this morning who occupied some vacant pews.

3.Watch My Angel Radio (MYAR). Invite your FRANCS to watch MYAR (www.MyAngelRadio.com) with you. Watch also the regular TV Program “IN SEARCH OF THE LORD’S WAY” every Sunday morning (https:/www.searchtv.org ). Thousands of lost souls were converted and obeyed the gospel in baptism after regularly watching “IN SEARCH OF THE LORD’S WAY” and “MY ANGEL RADIO”  everyday (Monday to Friday) with eight broadcast centers located in San Francisco and Sacramento, California  and Albuquerque, New Mexico in the United States; and Baguio City, Butuan City, Puerto Princesa, Pagadian and Cavite in the Philippines.

4.Order some books and magazines through our BOOKS MINISTRY. Read and share the books and magazines ordered to your FRANCS. After they finished reading the books, follow up  & arrange for WE CARE Gospel Presentation.

5.Wear and show the Fish Bracelet to your FRANCS to generate curiosity and interest. Then, follow-up with WE CARE Gospel presentation. I’ll always remember Raquel, a Jewish lady guest during one Sunday morning at the Golden Gate Church of Christ. I asked if I can hug her and then she saw the FISH BRACELET I was wearing. After telling the Fish Story using the Fish Bracelet, I asked her if we can have WE CARE Gospel presentation the following Wednesday Devotional & Prayers. My beloved wife Virginia Jimenez Madlaing had WE CARE Gospel presentation with Raquel by 6:00pm before the 7:00pm Wednesday Devotional. At the end of the Gospel presentation, Raquel said, “I  don’t’ want to leave this church building without obeying the gospel in baptism for the remission of my sins.  But I’m  hungry.” We went for dinner to a nearby Chinese Restaurant while preparing the baptistery. I, then, called brother to come over an officiate the baptism of Raquel. About 11:00pm on that memorable Wednesday, brother Marcus Dancer baptized Raquel for the remission or forgiveness of all her sins. The angels in heaven were rejoicing with us! Raquel moved to another city but she is still very active and faithful Christian.

6.Arrange for WE CARE Gospel Presentation to your FRANCS. I commend and thank sister Deborah Q. Marcos in arranging WE CARE Gospel presentation for her husband Renato Marcos, a former Roman Catholic., on Thursday evening in our home in San Francisco, California. On the third Thursday, Renato decided to obey the gospel in baptism for the remission or forgiveness of all his sins (Acts 2:37-38). Brother Renato Marcos is now very active and regular Song Leader at the Golden Gate Church of Christ in San Francisco, California. Thousands were converted and obeyed the gospel in baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38)  through WE CARE Gospel Presentations in the United States, Canada, Philippines, Mexico and other countries.

7.Confront and say something to your FRANCS. Examples: 1.” How are you with the Lord  today?”  2. “What if Christ were to come right now or if you’ll die tomorrow? Would YOU know for sure, without any doubt, that you would go to heaven?” After the initial friendly and sincere confrontation, you can follow-up with WE CARE Gospel Presentation.

CONCLUSION & INVITATION:  To conclude our lesson and message this morning, may I share with you the most unfortunate and tragic event in the life of King Agrippa. In Acts Chapter 26, Apostle Paul had the opportunity to share the gospel to King Agrippa. In verse 27, Apostle Paul asked, “King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.”  In verse 28, King Agrippa replied  to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” In verse 29, Paul said to King Agrippa, “I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me today might become both altogether such as I am (a true and plain Christian)”

In the account related in Acts 26:27-29, we find the following: 1. Paul stated that King Agrippa was a believer. 2. King Agrippa stated that he was not a Christian.  King Agrippa missed the mark and died in his sins because he refused to obey the gospel in baptism for the forgiveness of his sins due some obvious reasons.

There are millions of people in the world today who are believers and almost become a Christian like King Agrippa.  IS FAITH ALONE ENOUGH TO SAVE?  The plain answer is NO! Even the demons believed and trembled but they are lost forever (James 2:19).

Almost a Christian like King Agrippa will not bring you to eternal home in HEAVEN. And yes, almost a Christian like King Agrippa will surely bring you to eternal damnation in HELL!

If you are here today and heard and understood the gospel ---- the Death, Burial & Resurrection of Christ, we encourage and invite you to obey the gospel in baptism for the forgiveness of ALL your sins. Don’t be like King Agrippa who missed the mark and died in his sins for refusing to obey the gospel in baptism. Please do not leave this church building today not sure of your ETERNAL DESTINY.

 If you are a Christian but became lukewarm, we encourage you to repent and rededicate your life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Whatever your needs, we invite YOU to come forward as we sing the invitation song - Almost Persuaded.

UPDATED “LONGEVITY TIPS “NOW AVAILABLE AT AMAZON :  I have good news for you! One of my best-selling books “LONGEVITY TIPS” subtitled “Secrets You Discover and Do for Good Health and Longevity”  is now available at Amazon in Hardcover, Paperback and E-book (Amazon price is $15.95 per hardcover copy plus shipping and handling; $12.95 per paperback copy plus shipping and handling; $7.95 E-book)

The updated book includes group picture of the Philippine News Today team (Editor-in-Chief Alfred G. Gabot; Managing Editor Claire Morales True, Virginia Jimenez Madlaing and yours truly) during our courtesy call and interview with Philippine Consul General Neil Frank R. Ferrer last Tuesday, August 22,2023 at Romulo Hall of the Philippine Consulate in San Francisco, California, in the presence of Consuls Vanessa Bago-Llona and Rowena P. Daquipil. My full sermon or message “KEEP SHARING THE GOSPEL DURING THESE LAST DAYS” is also included in the updated book.
YOU can order now the autographed paperback copy of “LONGEVITY TIPS” at the discounted price of only $10 per copy with FREE shipping and handling. For every order of the book, you’ll also receive an autographed copy of the original “HISTORICITY OF JESUS” subtitled “Facts and Evidences for Agnostics, Atheists and Believers.” It’s like buying TWO BOOKS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE. These two books are excellent addition to your Personal Library or Family Library. This Special Offer is good only in the United States.
For your autographed copies of the two books, just send $10 (in check or money order) to: ART G. MADLAING, 730 Madrid Street, San Francisco, CA 94112 Tel (650)438-3531 or (415)584-7095 or email:artmadlaing@hotmail.com

*Reprinted from Art’s column “HEALTH & WEALTH” published in the weekly PHILIPPINE NEWS TODAY (week August 24-30, 2023 issue)