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How to be Wholly Sanctified and Preserved Blameless (1 Thessalonians 5:16-23)

Raymond Sieg / 2023-07-02

How to be Wholly Sanctified and Preserved Blameless
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-23)

         1. As Paul was concluding this letter, he showed the Christians in Thessalonica how to accomplish an
             important objective mentioned in vs.23.
         2. That objective is to be wholly sanctified and preserved blameless unto the Lord's return.
         3. In our lesson we are studying the instructions in vs.16-22.
         4. Following these instructions will help us to be prepared for the Lord's return.


I.           (vs.16) REJOICE  EVERMORE

         A. Similar admonitions are given in Philippians 3:1a; 4:4.
         B. Most people are able to rejoice when things go well in their lives; however, Christians are to rejoice
         C. Our joy is an inner peace of mind that we experience because of having a right relationship with God --
             it is not based on external circumstances.
         D. One thing that will help us to rejoice evermore is to . . .

II.          (vs.17) PRAY  WITHOUT  CEASING

         A. To help us understand:
             1. (Luke 18:1) "Men ought always to pray and not to faint."
             2. Ephesians 6:18
             3. (Colossians 4:2) "Continue in prayer."
             4. We must be like Jesus who prayed often.
         B. Prayer shows that we depend upon God and not on ourselves.
         C. As we pray we must remember to . . .