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Daniel A Oliva / 2023-07-02

" For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord," Romans 6:23 ( NIV )

  A. Tom Cruise's movie series is Movie Impossible but in the end, it becomes Mission Possible!
    1. Similarly, attaining eternal life with God in heaven seems Mission Impossible?
    2. But with Jesus, the IMPOSSIBLE becomes POSSIBLE. How? Let us know the truth, John 8:32
  B. The approach in this lesson shall be as follows:
    1. The Gift of Life Comes from God Himself
    2. Man Died Because of His Sin or Disobedience
    3. God Gave Back Man's Life Through Christ
    4. Eternal Life is Possible Only in Christ Jesus

  A. The Gift of Life Comes From God Himself
   1. God is the author of all lives on earth, particularly MAN
    2. The Lord " breathed life or spirit " into man's nostrils and he became a living being ( soul ) Genesis 2:7
    3. God is also the ONE who takes away all lives on earth for " it is appointed for man to die once and after that the judgment," Heb.9:27
   4. Man's physical survival on earth depends on God
      - air we breath, water we drink
      - sources of food all come from God, e.g. " meat, vegetables, fruits"
    5. Jesus tells us to pray " Give us this day our DAILY bread," Matt 6:11

 B. Man Died Because of His Sin or Disobedience
    1. " God placed man in Eden to dress and keep it," Genesis 2:15
    2. " And He told Adam, ' of every tree from Eden, you may freely eat," Genesis 2:16
    3. " From the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it, lest you shall surely die," Gen.2:17
    4. But the woman, his helpmate, was tempted and ate the forbidden fruit, so did he, Genesis 3:6
    - as both of them sinned, they were driven out of Eden, slowly they died physically
    5. They died also spiritually for death is SEPARATION from God
     - Isaiah 59:1-2 ( sin separates man from God )
     - James 2:26 ( body dies without the spirit of life )
    6. They were driven out of Eden to keep them away from the Tree of Life, Genesis 2:24

  C. God Gave Back Man's Life Through Christ
    1. " God has sent His Only Begotten Son into the world so that we might LIVE through Him," I John 4:9
    - " A parallel passage of John 3:16, the Golden Text of the Bible
     -  " whoever believes in Him should not perish but shall have ETERNAL LIFE! "
    2. " ...our Savior Christ Jesus who abolished DEATH and brought LIFE and IMMORTALITY to light through the gospel, " 2 Timothy 1:10
     - death here refers to physical and spiritual death
    3. " Feed the church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood, " Acts 20:28
    4. " He has delivered us from the Domain of Darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His Dear Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins," Col. 1:13-14
    5. Jesus says, " whoever hears My Word and believes Him who sent Me has ETERNAL Life
    6. " No more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and walk in the Spirit, " Romans 8:1

  D. Eternal Life is Possible Only in Christ
    1. Only in Jesus can one obtain Etenal Life in heaven for He Himself rose from the Dead!
      a. The Father and the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the Dead, Romans 6:10-11
      b. The Godhead or Deity was united in raising Jesus from the Dead
    2. But Jesus has the power to raise Himself from the Dead
      a. " Destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up," John 2:19
      b. " I have the power to lay it down and have the authority to raise it up again," John 10:18
    3. " I am the way, the truth and the LIFE," John 14:6
    4. " I am the resurrection and the life," John 11:25
    5. God has given us ETERNAL LIFE and this life is in His Son," I John 5:11
    6. " No other name under heaven was given to man by which he can be saved," Acts 4:12

  A. The apostle John wrote " that you may know that you HAVE eternal life," I John 5:13
    1. In other words, we are enjoying " eternal life " not in the future but TODAY  " as we believe in the name of the Son of God.
    2. Eternal Life therefore is NOT mission impossible, but MISSION POSSIBLE in Christ Jesus!
  B. To be sure that you can attain Eternal Life, you have to...
    1.Believe and be baptized to be saved, Mark 16:16
    2. " Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit," Acts 2:38
    3. " Now is the acceptable time, TODAY is the Day of Salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2
    4. Jesus is inviting you to come to Him now, Matthew 11:28-30