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DANIEL A OLIVA/01/08/2023

" Now the overseer must be above reproach..not a lover of money and must not pursue dishonest gain," I Timothy 3:3,8

 " Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect..not  pursuing dishonest gain." I Timothy 3:8

 A. Aspiring overseers and deacons are NOT to be LOVERS of MONEY and must not pursue DISHONEST GAINS.
  1. The qualifications laid down by Apostle Paul imply that in an ORGANIZED local church,Titus 1:5, there would be money problems that even leaders have to deal with.
  2. What are these related problems with the CHURCH MONEY? Let us know the truth, John 8:32
 B. Our approach in this study shall be as follows:
  1. Definitions of Church Money and Properties
  2. What is meant by Dishonest Gain or Filthy Lucre?
  3. Money Problems that Elders and Deacons Have To Deal With
  4. Solving These Church Money Problems Biblically
 A. Definitions of Church Money and Properties
  1. Church Money refers to contributions or collections given on Lord's Day assemblies in any form of denominations and currencies.
  2. It includes donations, gifts stated in Last Wills and Testaments of Deceased Members
  3. Properties refer to titled or untitled lots or lands; pews, chairs, pulpits, office furniture,  equipments and all items purchased through church money in collections, contributions or donations.
  4. Intangible Properties refer to goodwill or reputation of the local church or its international reputation.

 B. What is meant by Dishonest Gain or Filty Lucre?
  1." Money or properties obtained through questionable or dishonest means."
  2. Elders and deacons are warned NOT to abuse their positions to make money
  3. In the early church, Acts 6:1-6, such a qualification was important for deacons handled money and distributed them to the needy.
  4. Not addicted to dishonest gain  (Williams KJV 3:8) means not to be controlled by a greedy obssession to obtain all the material wealth they can
  5. " Feed the flock..not by constraint, but willingly, not for FILTHY LUCRE, but of a ready mind," I Peter 5:2
  6. Titus 1:11 refers it to " those who teach WRONGLY for the sake of money."
  7. The children of Eli were guilty of dishonest gains, I Samuel 2:12 ff
 C. Money Problems that Elders and Deacons Have To Deal With
  1. Transparency or Openness- means when making a budget for church projects/ activities- the whole congregation must know about them
     a. Need to submit an audited financial report on a monthly and annual basis
     b. Books, ledgers, bank deposits, receipts, checks paid and received must be open for inspection and investigation
     c. Counting of money should not be done by one person only. There must be other witnesses.
     d. Depositing and withdrawing money from the banks should be done by 2 or 3 persons
  2. Choosing a treasurer and the assistants
     a. Can a woman serve as church treasuer? For future discussion.
     b. Should there be a Finance Committee in stead of Treasurer?
  3. Borrowing Money from the Church Contribution?
     a. This happens when the congregation is still small and meets in the house of the preacher?
     b. In one country, an elder was chosen as treasurer who " would borrow" from the collection
     c. One preacher used the church money when his wife and daughter got sick
      d. Needy members would ask church money in emergency cases
   4. Submission of Audited Financial to Government Agencies
      a. SEC registered corporations must submit a year end financial report audited by a CPA to the BIR
      b. Non- submission of this requirement will entail penalties both from the SEC and BIR and place the local church in a bad light
   5. Payment of Real Estate and Capital Gains Taxes
      a. Local churches with real estate taxes have to pay annual " real estate properties to the BIR."
      b. Sale of real estate properties requires payment of " capital gains tax."
 D. Solving These Church Money Problems Biblically
    1. Paul wrote in I Corinthians14:40 "let all things be done decently and in order."
    2. Jesus also said, " He who is faithful in little things will also be faithful in bigger things," Luke 16:10
    3. Elders and church leaders should make policies and guidelines to be implemented strictly on the following:
     a. Transparency and Openness
     b. Choosing Trustworthy Men as Treasurers or Committee Members
     c. Lending Church Money to Members
     d. Submission of Financial Statements to the Bureau of Internal Revenue
     e. Payment of Real Estate and Capital Gains Taxes to the BIR and other government agencies
   4. Some Local Churches Require Bonds to be Submitted by Treasurers
     a. Insurance companies can help post the bond needed by the church
     b. This will solve the problem of embezzlement committed by trusted people
    5. Elders and leaders must provide benevolent funds and items for needy members
      a. I Timothy 5:8 ( provide for your immediate family)
      b. Galatians 6:10 ( do good to all especially to fellow Christians)
      c. James 1:27 ( pure religion is to visit the orphans and widows in their afflictions)
    6. To avoid fraud and embezzlement, check and balance must be done
 A. Accountability to God, the congregation and to one self must be followed in dealing with the Lord's money.
   1. We are all stewards, not owners of the earth's resources, especially the " church money."
   2. We should rather " lay up our treasures in heaven," Matthew 6:20
 B. If you are not yet in Christ, we are inviting you to
    1. Believe and be baptized as Jesus Himself said, Mark 16:16
    2. Repent of your sins and be baptized to be forgiven and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:38
   3..Christ is inviting you to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30
   4. Do it now, for " today is the Day of Salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2