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DAVID's SINS- THEIR CONSEQUENCES ( 2 SAMUEL 12:10 ) | Archive 2023

Daniel A Oliva/07/30/2023

" The sword shall not depart from thine house because thou hast despised the Lord and hast taken the wife of Uriah," 2 Samuel 12:10

  A. David was called a " man after God's own heart,"  I Samuel 13:14
    1. Yet he was NOT sinless " for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23
    2. What were the sins of King David and their consequences? Let us know the TRUTH, John 8:32

  B. Our approach in this study shall be as follows:
    1. Circumstances of his sin with Bathsheba. The cover -up and results
    2. Why was God gracious and merciful to David despite his sins?
    3. The consequences of David's sins of adultery and murder
    4. Lessons To Learn From David's Grave Sins

  A. Circumstances of David's Sin With Bathesheba; The Cover-up and  Results, 2 Samuel 11:1-24
    1. King David was " relaxing " in his palace and did not go to war
    2. Satan used Bathsheba to entrap David, 2 Samuel 11:2
    3. David brought Bathsheba to his palace, 2 Samuel 11:4
    4. When Bathsheba was pregnant, 2 Samuel 11:5, as  cover-up, Uriah was asked to sleep with his wife.
    5.  Refusing David's request, Uriah was sent to the thickest of battle where he died, 2 Samuel 11:14-15
    6. Later, Bathsheba married David and gave birth to a son, 2 Samuel 11:27
    7. Nathan was sent to David to rebuke him. His child with Bathsheba died, 2 Samuel 12:13-14

  B. But Why Was God Gracious and Merciful to David?
    1. The reason- God had promised to Abraham that from his seed the Messiah would come from, Galatians 3:16
    2. From Jacob or Israel came out Judah and the " sceptre " shall not depart from Judah, Genesis 49.10
    4. David was from Judah and from David's family, the Messiah would arise, 2 Samuel 7:16
    5. Thus, we see why God " had " to be merciful and gracious to David despite his sins of adultery and murder.

  C. The Consequences of David's Sins of Adultery and Murder
    1. First- his son with Bathseba died although he asked God to spare the child, 2 Samuel 12:16-18
    2. Amnon raped his half-sister Tamar, disgracing and despising her, 2 Samueln13:12-13
    3. Absalom killed Amnon to revenge his full sister Tarmar, 2 Samuel 13:28-29
    4. Absalom stole the people's hearts and rebelled against David, 2 Samuel 15:6
    5. Absalom killed by Joab later, 2 Samuel 14:25
    6. Truly, the " sword " ( division ) did not depart from his house
    7. Jesus also said, " I did not come to bring peace, but a sword," Matthew 10:34-36

  D. Lessons To Learn From David's Sins of Adultery and Murder
    1. Your sin will soon find you out, Numbers 32:23
      a. King David thought he could cover up his sins, 2 Samuel 12:12
      b. With God, nothing can be hidden, Hebrews 4:13
      c. Sins have always painful consequences even in this life, 2 Samuel 12:11
    2. Despite David's sins, God was still merciful and gracious to him
      a. From 2 Samuel 12:15-23, we learn that David accepted his sin
      b. He also accepted God's verdict and punishment
    3. God always remembers His promises
      a. He promised to Abraham that in his " seed " shall all the nations be blessed, Galatians 3:16
      b. This promise was fulfilled in Christ, the son of Abraham, the son of David, Matthew 1:1

  A. " If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us," I John 1:7-10   
    1." If we confess our sins, God is just and faithful to forgive us of all our sins."
    2. There is no need to be " rebaptized" and to torture ourselves to be forgiven
  B. Today, Jesus Christ provides the solution for man's sins
    1. " He who believes and is baptized shall be saved," Mark 16:16
    2.." Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit," Acts 2:38
    3. " Now is the acceptable time, now is the Day of Salvation," 2 Corinthians 6:2
    4. Christ is inviting everyone to come to Him for spiritual rest, Matthew 11:28-30